Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My husband stepped on a rusted nail today, what Antibiotics are good for infection?

My husband fell off a ladder and landed on a rusted nail. The nail went through his shoe, in the ball of his foot and went in pretty deep, he thinks it hit the bone in his big toe or maybe a tendon. He recently got a Tetanus shot, what else should I do? I am watching for any signs of infection such as fever, pain, swelling, redness,... what is a good Antibiotic to start him on just in case of infection? P.S. why havn't we gone to the hospital you may ask? HE IS STUBBORN!!My husband stepped on a rusted nail today, what Antibiotics are good for infection?
If he's up to date on tetanus, and you cleaned the wound out immediately and plan to keep it clean, there's really no reason to go on antibiotics unless you see signs of infection.

If you do start to notice something, don't hesitate though.

But for now, just keep it clean and don't treat an illness that you don't have.

Like '; mlgable'; says, tea tree oil is a natural antibacterial that is extremely effective.My husband stepped on a rusted nail today, what Antibiotics are good for infection?
DO NOT give him antibiotics without a docs say so. If you have old antibiotics in the house put them away for your next drug recycling day in your community. Wash the wound well with warm water and mild soap. If you are worried about infection then use tea tree oil on it. Otherwise just keep it clean and dry till it heals.
I hear you on the stubborn part! I live with one of those myself. But, how are you going to get antibiotics if he won't go get it checked out? If it's kept clean, he may not even need antibiotics. Good thing he's had the Tetanus booster. If he does end up needing antibiotics for something like this, the penicillin, amoxycillin, etc., family is likely what it would be. For now, a topical antibiotic such as Neosporin or Bacitracin and keeping it covered couldn't hurt. Obviously, you know he should go get this checked out, but you can't make him do it. Good luck. This whole thing is probably going to bother you more than it will him. ;-)
Well, usually in this sort of case, depending how recent the shot, the doctor may recommend another booster. It's better than your muscles becoming stiff like boards and dying in agony (yeah, that's tetanus, ask him how stubborn he's really willing to be). He'll need to go to the doctor anyway for an antibiotic. Topical creams won't do it. He needs either an oral one or an injection. Topical creams just kill the bacteria, etc. on and around the injury. If the nail went in deep, he could also face blood poisoning, because creams won't do it for a deep one!!!! A shot of penincillin and possibly a booster will make sure he has no problems. Give him these scenarios, and remind him they're so rare nowadays because people get the injuries treated when they occur.
Ya... he needs to go to a doctor... Just don't give him any antibiotic people describe on here... If he does'nt take the full course, or if he takes the wrong one, then the infection could come back stronger and antibiotic resistant. How do you know the correct dosage for his weight? What if he has an allergic reaction to the antibiotic? What if the antibiotics are too old to work effectively? He will not be so stubborn when he possibly has to get his foot amputated because of infection. Trust me... kick, scream, holler, nag, whine, throw tantrums... anything to get him to go to see a doctor. It will be worth it in the long run.

My motto is to always plan for the ';worst case scenario';. The worst case scenarios is: he does not go to the hospital, the nail had some kind of horrible bactieria on it, his foot gets badly infected, and he only loses his foot if he is lucky. Sure, chances are slim that this may happen, but there is always a chance. On the other hand, if you nag him to get him to go to the doctor, perhaps he will be a little annoyed, but he will have greater chances of being healthy... And as far as loses go, a little love lost between u guys from the nagging for a few minutes is not that big of a loss.
Probably the best bet would to get him on an oral antibiotic to fight it from the inside out. Basically all you can do is keep the wound clean and encourage a trip to the doctor. I doubt neosporin would do much in this case.
You are doing the right things being that your husband won't see the doctor. Puncture wounds like that can be nasty. Your husband is going to have to go to the doctor to get an antibiotic because a prescription is required.
As long as his tetanus shot is up to date. and there isn't any bleeding , keep it clean and dry.Watch for any swelling or excessive redness. I stepped on two nails myself that were side by side in a board about 4 month's ago. Big ouch.
Good thing he's got the tetanus shot.

Keep it clean, maybe some Polysporin or other ointment. Keep your eye on it as you are, if he is complaining or favoring it any more than he already is, insist you at least visit your family doctor. A round of oral antibiotics wont hurt... especially if it went in deep. .
My husband did the same thing a couple of yrs ago. He went straight tho the Dr and got a course of antibiotics and a tetanus shot. All seemed ok. 3 months later in the space of 24 hrs...he couldn't walk. He went back to the same Dr and was admitted to hospital within an hr. Turns out that the nail did in fact graze the bone and it was the bone that got infected and it was called ';osteomylitis';. It just took 3 mnths to show symptoms. He spent 10 days in hospital and was off work for 3 weeks. They almost had to remove the infected bone completely but luckily the iv drugs finally worked. If u can get him to the dr....ask for an xray of his foot. If it did graze the bone...they can start the correct antibiotics early or at least monitor the bone and maybe he wont need to go through what my hubby did.

Good Luck.
Aaah, you need to go the ER ROOM like now...You need a tetanus shot
he stubborn enough to lose that foot? if the nail left any rusted metal bits in his toe bones he could get a bone infection that has two remedies,, amputation or death!! go to a doctor!!!
Stubborn or not, he needs a doctor. Tell him it is very dangerous to have a rusted nail go through your body and infection is highly likely. It's good that he got a tetanus shot recently but I still think he needs to see a doctor. That is the only sure way to know he will be ok and a good way to get the correct antibiotics if necessary. People on yahoo answers may or may not know what they are talking about, a doctor knows for sure.
Penicillin is the most used antibiotic for clearing up an infection. Of course you should definitely take him to the doctors cause he will need a tetanus shot. You might need to go to the ER tonight so the infection doesn't get too bad.
well i can sympathies with you, my husband is to. but I would nag him till he went to go get checked lol
He should go to the Dr. Most likely he'll get tetanus booster shot, since he's recently had the immunization. They may do an xray too. But not only that, they may need to cleanse of debride the wound, depending on how deep it is. I would get him to go to the Dr. soon. Infection is a concern, and it would be horrible to get a bone infection and lose a foot.Not only that but 'tetanus'; is and can be fatal.
You can't just give him any abtiobiotics, if its not infected , doesn't need one. If the wrong antibiotic is taken it could allow the bacteria to flourish faster. Tetanus shot is only effective against the bacteria that causes tetanus. If his bone gets infected you could lose that part. and if by some chance he has undiagnosed diabetes or circulation problems the wound may not heal for months, or years,which then you end up eventually losing it. -- better get it checked out by your dr. .Where were you planning to get these antibiotics anyway? If they were prescribed for someone else, then that person didn' finish all the pills as directed, and then they wonder why they get recurrent UTI or other infections .
As long as his tetanus shot is up to date there is no need to go to the hospital, you can call the dr in the morning. Tonight, soak it in warm water to help draw out infection. If you have these things, add them to the water (pick one, not all at once). Peroxide (a good amount), epsom salts, betadine. Actually, a good mix is warm water, betadine (enough to color the water) and 1/2 bottle of peroxide. Soak for 20 mins. After he is done soaking, put neosporin and a band aid on it. I would soak 2-3 times a day for a couple days.
Penicillian, amoxicilan, tetracycline, zithromax. I'm not a Doctor, but my father is, these are suitable, he told me to tell you to soak it in 1/2 cup of Tide laundry soap and a larger bowl of warm water, let soak for 1/2 hour, then use epsom salt soak later in the day for 1/2 hour, do the soap 2 times a day, and in between the epsom salt. It will help swelling and discomfort, not to mention help clean out inside the puncture wound. You probably won't need the antibiotics by following these instructions.
take to doctor for the old penecilen shot and get it checked.
peroxide.... then polysporin and soaking it in salt water would help
He doesn't necessarily need an antibiotic. My Mom and Dad have done this to themselves repeatedly over the years with their home improvement projects. Never needed antibiotics.

We learned from the doctor recently, when my brother's liver stopped working due to infection, is that infection is actually GOOD. It draws white blood cells to do their job. Antibiotics can actually make some infections worse. So, just make sure the wound is clean and I would pour in hydrogen peroxide. That seems to solve a lot of problems without killing off white blood cells.

If it gets worse, then beat him over the head and drag his sorry *** into the car and go to the doctor.

If this had been a child under 5, then that would be a reason to go to the doctor now.
i would call the doctor and ask
I suggest he takes another shot of Anti- tetanus.And covered him with Oral Cloxacillin 500mg QID ,Oral Penicillin 1gm BD for a week
Good to see hes already had a tetanus shot.......Betadine and a plaster should fix him up no sweat.
So, from a recent medical grad, your husband needs to be checked out. There are other bugs out there other than tetanus, and some of them are pretty nasty. Puncture wounds that go through hands and feet can start out looking not so bad and can end up infecting tendons and people who started out with itty-bitty wounds end up not able to use their hands or feet because they got infected with gas-forming bacteria that destroyed the tissues of their limbs.

Get your husband in to have the wound cleaned out. The docs in the clinic, he doesn't need to go to an ER, a clinic will do just fine, will know what the local bugs are, and will prescribe an antibiotic that covers the locally occurring bacteria. Not just any antibiotic will do, because bacteria do not all react the same to all antibiotics.

If you must stay home with your husband, this wound HAS to be cleaned out a LOT... jeez, he really needs to be seen.

I'm not going to tell you how to do it.

Get him to a doctor.

not a big problem, Rusty nails are not good enviorments for bacteria. His biggest threat was tetnus, but he had a shot and it is good for at least 5 years.

So just keep the wound clean (detol) is best and there will be little chance of infection. A clean band aide and a cold beer and your man will be fine.
I would do what he's doing. Nothing.

If it gets infected, you'll know. THEN he'll go.
my husband has a concrete company with a lot of stubborn hispanics, i make them go in to get a shot when that happens, think they only listen to me is because i too am hispanic unlike their white boss, my hubby....lol
um firstquickly wash it off wit sum alchhol or some poroxyde but to use fresh products use a lime it helps protect and coer the wounds of infection for a temporary time but its manditory u go to the emergency room
A%26amp;D antibiotic oinment is a good topical and cleaning it daily with a peroxide rinse. You said hes had a recent tetenus shot but i would still keep a close eye on it for a day or so for infection.
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