Tuesday, January 19, 2010

PLEASE HELP! I have an infection on the side of my finger near the nail bed?

I was grabbing something and the nail broke horizontally, causing me a lot of pain since it would bend at the crack, etc.

I was due for a new acrylic fill anyway %26amp; usually when they apply a new layer of bond it strengthens the entire nail and the pain subsides.

This time however, it felt better for a day, but now I'm in extreme pain. I checked the nail and it appears that the skin was possibly stuck to the side with glue, etc. Usually you just pull the skin away and it goes away.

I keep pulling the skin away, but it's not helping. The area is swollen and thin white pus is coming out, and now the area's turning red, etc. and the pain is so excrutiating I can't use the finger at all now.

I've been applying bactine several times a day and antibiotic last night.

Can anyone else recommend a course of action to heal it.

i.e., do I soak it? Do I put steriodal cream on it?

I don't want for it to get worse.

Anyone have any suggestions?PLEASE HELP! I have an infection on the side of my finger near the nail bed?
Try soaking your finger/hand twice a day with Epsom Salt and as hot of water that you can handle. Soak til the water cools. Apply an antibiotic ointment following the soaks. Cover with a dressing or band-aid. I hope this helps.PLEASE HELP! I have an infection on the side of my finger near the nail bed?
Soak in epsom salts and warm water, apply tripple antibiotic cream and try to keep it clean. I know it hurts, but it will get better.
A quick trip to the Doctor would be the wisest thing to do . You really need to start taking antibiotics straight away before it gets any worse.

In the meantime i suggest what everyone has said and soak it in a disinfectantin hot water, and keep applying the anteseptic creme.
I recommend soaking it.
you need to see your doc dear. Now that pus (dead tissue) has formed, it has to be let out. You are no good at it. there are other methods. Continue the antibiotic, get a pain killer and go to your doc today.
Go to the doctor and get antibiotics if it does not get better in another day or two NO LONGER. In the meantime soak it in hot water hot as you can stand it. this will help draw out some of the infection.
It's Digger the Dermatiphite- you need Lamisil
You should probably ask a Salon expert or a Dermatolagist.

hope this helps!
I have a rusty saw in the shed.......If you don't scream I'll help you get rid of the whole thing!!!!
Go to the doctor ASAP and QUIT GETTING THE ACRYLIC NAILS!!!!!! They sure look nice, but they are such a haven for bacteria. A good friend of mine had a slight infection on her hand and she kept messing with it and ended up getting MRSA and being in the hospital on IV antibiotics for almost a week. Good luck.
Go see the doctor now.

When you see pus, it's generally safe to assume you have an infection. Based on where you are infected it is quite important that you go see your doctor as soon as possible, as infections that get under your nail can be extremely hard to get at topically (think pus draining at least .... ick). You don't want that building up pressure under there were you can't get at it!

See your doctor as soon as possible, so that he can tell you what it is that will actually treat that far better than anybody just floating around on here.

Good luck!
go to a doctor.... and quick!!!

first... not a good idea to stick a fake nail over a fresh wound. Some of the stuff they use might infect your finger... worst if they don't sterilize they equipment properly.

Don't mess around... just go to a doctor!!! For now... keep trying to dissinfect it... but don't play with it too much.. you don't know whats wrong.

From your discription... maybe you are getting an ingrown nail... your real nail is growing in your skin under the fake one. I don't know... just an idea from what you said. Or maybe it got infected with the products from the nail shop.

It sounds serious... doctor right away!
first you want to get what ever pus is in there out then try soaking it in peroxide
I would soak, and see what that would do... it would most likely help.

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