Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fungal nail infection, what can I do to cure it? I'm pregnant so not sure what I can use....?

I have had it for a while now, I have it on two little toes and my big toe on my left foot, and on my little toe and a small part of my big toe on right foot. The big toe on my left foot is the worst and it mostly seperated from the bed, so I removed most of it to let it breathe. I just wondered is there anything I can put on them to try and get rid of this, its unsightly and I hate it. It's really getting to me. I'm pregnant so will have to be careful what I use as well. If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.Fungal nail infection, what can I do to cure it? I'm pregnant so not sure what I can use....?
The Terbinafine and Itraconazole tablets would be out of the question for you because you are pregnant, so the next option is a nail lacquer that contains the antifungal drug called amorolfine.

You can buy amorolfine nail lacquer OTC or obtain it from your GP om prescription. It's not as effective as oral medication but it might help. I'm pretty sure the nail lacquer can be used in pregnancy but please make sure that you check with your GP. It might be worth waiting until you have had your baby and finished breast feeding then you can take the tablets which are more effective.


I just checked with Dr Frank and the data sheet says there is not enough safetly data to confirm the nail laquer is safe in pregnancy so for now use emery boards to file away the infected nail as thickening and yellowing appear and treat when the pregnancy is finished.Fungal nail infection, what can I do to cure it? I'm pregnant so not sure what I can use....?
unfortunately anti fungal treatment is not quite safety in pregnancy. which safety enough - helpless in nail fungal infection.

but i can recommend u vinegar. Yes, more fungus are not resistant for acids. apply vinegar com preses Daily after bath for 10 15 min. It is quiet safety for u baby and can prevent spreading of fungus due to pregnancy . then u will finish u duty ( pregnancy and lactation) u can start a proper treatment.
Hi there smelly toes.

The easiest and cheapest none chemical threatening way to deal with this issue my love is to buy some root ginger.

Bath your feet in a bowl of hot water and include some grated ginger.(About two teespoons full)

Steep the grated ginger in boiling water before you add it to the bowl.

Also if you have a gap between the nail and the toe you can thinly slice the ginger between the gap and leave it in overnight in bed.

Do this every other day and you will lose the fungal infection within a couple of weeks at the most.

Garlic will do the same and is more powerful.but not many folk would want the smell of garlic on them all the time.phew!

Incidently when you steep the ginger it might be an idea to make a nice cup of tea with the same stuff.......add a little sugar (half a spoon with some orange or orange squash.......its yummy and will rid your stomache of any bad well as cleaning your teeth in the process.

It has no side effects other than positive ones.

It will boost your immune system which will help your babe.

But do not drink after 6pm as it tends to liven you up somewhat.

PS Good luck with your babe !

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