Sunday, January 17, 2010

My 1 yr old has an infection on his thumb nail, it looks like his nail is going to fall off, what can i do?

The nail looks very weak, like when you a bath for a long time and your skin gets wrinked, except its his nail. He doesn't complain of it hurting. It just seems to be getting worst. What can I soak his finger in? or put on it?My 1 yr old has an infection on his thumb nail, it looks like his nail is going to fall off, what can i do?
Honestly, I would take him to his pediatrician first thing Monday morning. Weakening of the nail to the effect you are describing can be a symptom of psoriasis, vitamin deficiency, or connective tissue disease. I pray that it's nothing even remotely like that, but the chances are too good that it IS for you to risk waiting.

Best of luck.My 1 yr old has an infection on his thumb nail, it looks like his nail is going to fall off, what can i do?
I went through something like this with my 2 yr old. Until I got him to a doctor I soaked his nail in warm water with some table salt in it... Don't cover it the air will help.

Good Luck with it....

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