Sunday, January 17, 2010

My guinnea pigs ripped off nail? infection?

so today as i was taking out my guinnea pig to pet him like i always do, his nail got stuck in between something and struggling too much, he attempted to rip his entire nail off. gross i know.

but he didnt seem to hurt by the fact, and as i set him down he was walking fine. I put baby powder on the nail in case of any bleeding, but there really wasnt any at all. My only concern is that it is really red, and im afraid he might get infected...

Do you think its even possible to get an infection.. if so do you know how to prevent it? much thanks if ya answer :]My guinnea pigs ripped off nail? infection?
It can get infected. The same type of thing happened with my one guin. I just used regular warm water to wash it off. I didn't use his shampoo though. You shouldn't really use peroxide or any triple antibiotic, unless its on his back foot, because if he cleans it off and gets it in his mouth, he could die:( Jut make sure you keep checking it, it will eventually grow back. If it does get infected than you may need to take it to a vet for an antibiotic. Hope this helps! Also, if you use carefresh bedding or cedar/pine I would switch. It can irritate it. I would just use something like yesterdays news or new world bedding.My guinnea pigs ripped off nail? infection?
well it was just cause it was hurting him it might not look like it hurts but an animal like a guinnea pig there emotions don't show. if it hurt him alot then he would just take it off on his own it will grow back you to keep it from getting infected just wash it every day so that it doesn't get worse.

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